The holidays are an exciting time, but it can be difficult when you have lost someone you love, can’t return home, face financial stresses, or feel isolated. These feelings are commonly referred to as “the holiday blues” and are more common than you may think.
Jackson House Blog

Best Apps to Help Maintain Self-care and Mental Health
We sometimes wonder what our lives might be like without our digital devices. We give constant attention to what can feel like a waste of space and time, but is it actually helpful? With the many apps and products available on our phones, spending too much time in the wrong places can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health—if we let it.
It's time to feel better
We are here to help and we are in-network with most insurance providers. Call us for a free and confidential consultation.
If you’re a provider and need to send us information on a client, please feel free to fax us at 619-303-7044. If you need help immediately, call our 24-hour crisis line at 1-800-766-4274. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. Jackson House is licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division and certified by the Department of Health Care Services. We are also CARF Accredited. If you have any client or quality of care concerns, please reach out to us at (888) 255-9280. If your concerns need further attention, you can contact the Department of Public Health at 619-278-3700 or the Community Care Licensing Division at 1-844-538-8766.